Imagine a younger version of yourself navigating this thing we call life. Vibrant, full of energy and with unlimited potential. Then along comes a narcissist. They can see your light; they detect your purity and they witness the positive affect you have on people. But the narcissist is a broken individual. So broken, that long ago they adopted a false self to represent them in life. The false self lacks the capability to honor your essence and is void of any empathy. To the narcissist you are 2 things; a source of fuel/supply and a source of validation. But in order to harness the maximum amount of supply they must capture you first.
What proceeds is a diabolical plan to use and abuse anything you hold sacred. The Narcissist first step is to alter the false self in a manner which mirrors what you deem as an ideal life partner. The love you have always wanted is then mirrored back to you at an overwhelming rate. The “Love Bomb” phase is continued until the narcissist can get you make a significant investment, a child, a marriage, a business venture, etc. Then once you are hooked “WHAM!!” the spring door on the trap is triggered and you are now a prisoner to the covert agent of the enemy.
But there is someone else who was caught in the trap with you. This soul is tied to you and has been since birth. Since you are a theoretical prisoner than that makes this being a prisoner to the prisoner. THAT PERSON IS YOU!!! Not you as you are now but the ideal version of you. The version of you that God has predestined you to be before you were even in your mother’s womb. God has placed in each of us spiritual gifting's to which all manner of blessings are to spring forth. In order to operate in the fullness of your spiritual blessings you must mature into the best version of you. However, in order to elevate into that version of ourselves we need to be free to evolve into the spirit led being which is trapped inside of us.
The enemy’s primary goal is to distract you from anything of the spirit by bombarding you with worldly afflictions. The narcissist is just an agent of the enemy which has been cast to fulfill this heinous objective. While the narcissist was examining your character, they also determined which form of abuse would work best on you. The moment you fell victim to the trap of the narcissist it triggered the start of the abuse. The consistent abuse, or threat thereof, is a form of the worldly affliction which keeps you from maturing in the spirit. The enemy plans to keep you distracted for a lifetime, so you never grow into the best version of yourself. Therefore, forfeiting the spiritual blessings assigned to you at birth.
But God already planned for your freedom and your victory. God foresaw the trials and tribulations that you would encounter in your life and equipped you with the tools to overcome [IT WAS A SETU!!!]. God will rescue you from your hardship and allow you to bask in the blessings appointed to you, so long as you remain faithful. Let’s look at the text:
Psalms chapter 16. Verse 10 & 11
10 because you [God] will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay.
11 You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
This is just one passage in the text that depicts your salvation and resulting glory when you mature in the spirit. It is time for you to break free of whatever is holding you back. Fine tune your spiritual ear and continue to grow into the best version of yourself. The version for which God designed you to be.